Disc Golf Training. Simplified.
With DBW Disc Golf Virtual Form Analysis you can get the similar quality of in-person sessions without the drive to the course! Dan has options to help you achieve your goals from your home computer or device.
1st Session
Dan will discuss the pillars of a baseline throw. You will provide videos of your throw from multiple angles. Together, you’ll analyze the footage and figure out what your strong & weaknesses are.
Please take notes and ask questions. After form analysis, Dan will assign drills to be performed to help you correct your form. Continue to take video during your practice sessions to prepare for your follow-up.
Follow-Up Sessions
You’ll briefly review the last session & discuss how you felt your field work went.
What feels better?
What feels worse?
You’ll provide updated videos after your practice/field work sessions. Take a note pad out with you to the field and write down questions while they are fresh. Dan will analyze the updated videos, compare them with the previous weeks, and add new drills. Keep striving for improvement every week.
*Note: Must complete all field work before scheduling your follow up.

Disc Golf Training. Simplified.
With DBW Disc Golf Virtual Form Analysis you can get the similar quality of in-person sessions without the drive to the course! Dan has options to help you achieve your goals from your home computer or device.
Follow-Up Sessions
You’ll briefly review the last session & discuss how you felt your field work went.
What feels better?
What feels worse?
You’ll provide updated videos after your practice/field work sessions. Take a note pad out with you to the field and write down questions while they are fresh. Dan will analyze the updated videos, compare them with the previous weeks, and add new drills. Keep striving for improvement every week.
*Note: Must complete all field work before scheduling your follow up.
1st Session
Dan will discuss the pillars of a baseline throw. You will provide videos of your throw from multiple angles. Together, you’ll analyze the footage and figure out what your strong & weaknesses are.
Please take notes and ask questions. After form analysis, Dan will assign drills to be performed to help you correct your form. Continue to take video during your practice sessions to prepare for your follow-up.